Thursday, October 28, 2010

Resurrection of the Curious Cat

I am curious, yet thrilled
To find out about the legendary cat
That by curiosity got killed.
So the story goes the curious cat,
Boxed in by the mists of history,
Was never seen again alive,
Only pronounced dead;
For all that reason and common sense entailed,
'Twas ignorance's no-choice victory.
But the cat has yet to speak:
Whoever wants to know its fate
Has to open the rugged mists of mystery,
Or in the curiosity box participate;
For all that I think and know
The cat is 'live up until now!

Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum!

Whether I exist, for a unicorn, or a unicorn, for me
Isn't that well beyond what the eye can see?
What is but this Existence,
Apart from what I think of it?
Is it not apparent that it, by and on itself
Only exists in transit;
In transit of what I think and define
As the collective realizations of mine?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life: The Cage, The Needle or the Stage

Some say life is a stage
Where everyone has the role to play;
Some say it's the curtain,
A hibernating cage!
Some see it as peeping into a haystack
Where the needle is hidden;
But life, what do you say?
Are you the Cage, the Needle or the Stage;
Or, are all these likenings forbidden?
For all that I think and side,
It is up to you to decide!