Sunday, January 25, 2009


In the beginning, the Earth was a Void

And the Void was good;

When change was imminent and life began

The good had to go, and life stood

Although that was not in accord with nature’s plan.

Evil spread all across the Earth

Evolution was in the making,

Mankind sprouted, all of evil went worse!

Far from its ancestral fish

Man’s gene became exceptionally the most selfish;

So here we are, still in the making

With all of nature’s norms cracking

Falling prey to its own creation

Oh! Mankind thou digst the grave

For thine own destruction!

The Good news: Earth the Void come back will

One day, after all is said and done

As good prevails over evil…

For the Void is always good

Evil pride, vanity, selfishness,

Dishonesty, arrogance will be gone

And the light sparks of a new day

Shall twinkle in the Void.


Anne Marie said...

I would like you to cite any evidence of this void. Experimental facts...

Anne Marie said...

Thought there was a void initially so evil relative to what? By what standards? What dictated the morals obviously implied by the presence of god and evil?

Amare Abebe said...

If there is no-thing(life),there can be no such thing as evil,or no morality for that matter,for such things are only attached to life.The absence of same I defined as good.