Sunday, November 30, 2008


I search deep into your eyes
But then fail to see
A green light signal,
A sign of confession
That you belong to me
Alas! neither a signal nor a sign
That the forbidden apple is mine.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In Memoriam

The dancing green trees
In the cool breeze of the air
The sprouting grasses
Just beneath us
With their breath-taking flair
The sparkling water ahead
Reflecting from afar
With the gorgeous-looking ducks in the herd
The ear-breaking silence
That we never to agitate dared
All those one-time memories
All-time prevail,to magnify your grandeur
And are the monuments of your glories.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


You zillions of stars up there!
Tell them the whole truth
Speak it to all humanity
To your remnant ashes down here:
Do you really care
To meddle in their affair?
Honestly,do you even know their existence
Are they,to you,of any substance?
Come on stars,let you all speak together
Speak to those deaf ears aloud
And tell them the truth.
Here on Earth,the dusts you have shoved off
Still cling on you
They study all your motions
And make their untestable predictions
For their humanly interactions;
They charge you with their romantic experiences
For,for them,you arrange their marriage
You separate couples out of love
You determine their success
And the failures of their lives disparage!
Ask how many couples have gone astray
For just your appearances in the sky
When they were born
But you,have you ever noticed them
Have you ever come their way?
Now tell them,nothing but the truth!
Can anyone star tell them again
Let all the losers feel the pain
The pain of losing loved hearts
And the pain of gaining through means unfair!
Tell your dusts,Your Majestic Stars
Who up in the skies reign
That you took no notice of those idlers
Let alone (dis)arrange their love
And their personal histories feign.
Let them know the truth today
Sue them for defaming your name
And let those who abused you
Forever be rendered to shame!
Light on them,Your Majesties
Give them drizzles of hope
Those with ears hear
Those with eyes see
And those with no wisdoms of their own
Who neither can hear nor see
Will dwell on "your" horoscope.

Sugar=0 ?

If sugar and coffee
Give us coffee
And sugar and tea
Only tea
How come sugar and cane
Sugarcane be?

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Silver Lining?

Is it ugly or beautiful
To be in a universe
Joyous and painful
Driven by chaos
And disorder
Full of beauty and splendor
Complexity and fake
Serenity and stake?

C'est La Vie

Life is oft a sword
But sometimes a toy
From which some suffer
While others enjoy;
Whatsoever might
Your opinion be
I insist on saying
Life is a MAYBE.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Powerful Power

By a powerless
Has powered
Me into a
Power :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


'I promise'
Say my flippant words
And I go back on them
With no par in records
And I promise again
Not to make a promise
Am not sure of fulfulling
In possible worlds...

Waiting for the Moon @ Noon

Thanks I have survived
The long-awaited day has arrived
After such hellish,longing-stay
Have arrived the days
On which I will see
The apple of my eyes,
Hopefully,but aye!
The morning has passed
The day ran half soon
It's time to start
Hoping for the Moon
To arrive at noon.

Relativistic Beauty

Your beauty was a perfection
In the frame of no motion
When I dwelt on your yesters
With the echoing flatters!
In the 'here' and 'now' of the then
Were my views biased
Locked up under a shadow
And the beauty that lies beyond
Never did I foresaw.
Quatch!what a blunder!
Now that I surrender
To the beauty a-yonder
When I set to motion
And the view is wider.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


"Absence makes
The heart grow fonder"
Writes an amant from yonder
Pinpointing the global invariance
Of their commitment and love
In the physical spacetime;
"Out of sight,out of mind"
Reads another
In their own paradigm
Depicting locality
[And begging the question of loyalty?]
But keeping me wonder
If there exist at all
A unifying law,for both and all.

Parecer,No Es Ser

Yo piense
Y dije
Que eres bonita
No haber sabido
Que tienes conducta
Damasiada mala
La que no puedes
Jamas evitarla
Ya he descubierto
Y soy muy cierto
Lo que tengo saber:
Parecer no es ser.

Beyond The Last?

The search for a Last
Should not assume
Neither a Big Crunch
Nor a Big Blast
For Nature's not so fool
As to let's know all its mysteries
And sleep over our worries.
If we did succeed
In finding a Last
Should we avoid
Thinking of the Thing
That there lies beyond?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Words are a human invention
Meant to express Nature
-Its bounty and perfection-
In just a miniature
For humans we are
Unable and flawed
And for words are ours
Unable and, themselves, flawed
And for Nature, by its virtue, is perfect
How come the complexity
That lies beyond
The everlasting subtlety
Be depicted by such simplicity
How come the perfect
Be understood
Through the imperfect?


If God were existent-
If He were kind
The Father of Nature
Why would He let Her
To humans torture?
If He were all-knowing
And all-powerful
Why did He create
People who are so fool
That don’t understand
That He is powerful?

Search for Order

What is life's realm
If we don't care
To dream
Of living lives of all sorts
Like living in ecstasy
In absolute fantasy?!
Why always worry and care
Why do we abhor disorder
And disappoint Nature?
How the hell we long for symmetry
Against the laws of entropy?


I am sad
And feel bad
About the sad things around
And the bad ones
That in people abound
Sad,so bad
Even oft, so mad.


The Big 'Creator'
Of the Big World
Gave a Big Order
To Mankind-
Big 'Creature' of His kind-
To multiply and fill
The Empty Land of the then
With Grandeurs
Of women and men
Of finest nicety
But alas! what a pity!
The Promised Land
Is still Empty!!!


If that is all I have
Giving unto thee
After all "I" goes
What will I be?

The Doppler Shift

When you parted
Leaving me bare
I had no choice
But to stare
At the nostalgia
That swiftly recedes
Ad infinitum
In Dopplerian moods.


Going in the darkness
Along the road of improbabilities
To an unknown future
That only time witness
Tired am I not
Of waiting...
Till that time comes
At infinity
When we shall live in unity
For all of eternity.